It happens to every classical guitar player at some time. As you re-string your guitar and bring it up to pitch, the tightening string suddenly ‘slips’ and loses its tension and pitch. In worst...
Category: Guitar Basics
Why a Classical Guitar’s G String Sounds Bad (And How to Solve It)
Years ago, when I got my first classical guitar after years of playing the acoustic and electric versions, I quickly noticed that the third string sounded funny. It was a beautiful sounding guitar to...
Classical guitars come in a variety of sizes. There is the regular, full-size also known as 4/4 size or concert size. In addition, there are what are called fractional guitars. What size classical...
As a classical guitar player, you will sooner or later hear of intonation issues. Or you get to face them yourself. They crop up fairly often in forum discussions, although some folks can only...
There are literally hundreds of models of classical guitar out there in the market. Even with so-called beginner models, there are just too many options. How do you decide on the right classical...
For a child learning the guitar, a 3/4 size classical guitar is a good choice. Most teachers recommend this size as being the ideal one for a child above 7 years of age. Regarding which 3/4 guitar...